Overcome Fear when trying New Things on a Computer!

Overcome Fear

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There is a saying: ‘Failure is never failure, unless you fail to get up!’

When I tried to send my first ever email from my very first computer, I was so full of apprehension and fear!

‘What if it doesn’t work the way it should?’ and ‘If it doesn’t work, I will look like a fool!’ I remember were amongst my thoughts at the time.

But I persevered and now look at me! Years down the track, I TEACH people how to use computers!

And guess what, even knowing SO much nowadays about how to use different computer programs and owning my own business teaching people how to use computers, (and even being told that I’m an awesome teacher!) and also building Facebook business pages, and websites, sometimes I still get nervous! But I now know that if I’m not sure how to answer someone’s question, it’s ok to say ‘I havent ever been asked that before, but I will come back to you with the answer’ (and I always do!).

I found this video called Surprising Lessons From 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jiang and WOW you need to watch this! Whether you have fear of rejection over learning something new on the computer, or it’s something completely different all together, this video will make you smile and go ‘Ah ha’ all at the same time!

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